MATT Jones



PHOTOGRAPHy & Videography

Copywriting & Art Direction

BY Matt Jones

Matt Jones is an GTA based photographer, videographer, copywriter, painter and art director.Honestly the list of job positions can go on and on and none of which justifies what he is about. He is a lover of the art of story telling and design, with a sprinkle of James Dean circa Rebel without a Cause thrown in.

About Matt 


Photography is the art of capturing a moment, one second in time that can only be captured once. You can plan, you can pose and you can recreate but those seconds are fleeting just like life itself. To be able to capture that moment, the emotion that goes along with it is to find the beauty and art in life itself.


Short films, television, commercials, live music, live sports, news reports, documentaries, events, vlogs and behind the scenes. Matt has worked on all of them in a variety of position from directing, producing, writing to editing, cinematography and art direction.

Copywriting & Art Direction